Advantages and disadvantages of online books

Advantages and disadvantages of online books

Advantages and disadvantages of online books

The advantages and disadvantages of online books are not only in terms of price but also in the types of books you will read. Online books are a medium that provides many solutions for those of you who get bored easily and are lazy to carry books around. To be able to get books online, of course, you have to download them on the Google Play Store application.

In the Google Play Store, in the book section, you can find various types of books available. From paid online books to free ones. There are many types of books that provide interesting stories. From romantic stories, thrills, comedies, and many more. How fun it is to fill your free time by reading books online. No need to go here and there to spend free time.


Clyffepypard-bushton – The development of technology has made it easier for many people and there is no need to be complicated anymore. everything is so easy without any hindrance. But using online books, you also have to know the advantages and disadvantages too. Even though it is very efficient, it turns out that online books can also give losses to some people, such as:


  • Can read books with the application
  • Books online that can be read for free
  • An offline reading system is available
  • No need to bring books
  • Lightly
  • You can choose the type of book you want to read
online book
with a cellphone capital//online book


  • Must prepare a lot of pulses
  • Download the app first
  • Must pay
  • Many downloads can drain the cellphone battery
  • Reading books that some do not understand
  • Cannot read offline
  • Ready for internet quota capital
  • Have to pay for books
Can be via cell phone or computer

Of course, to be able to read books online, you don’t just have to pay creditors. You can choose the type of payment available. The availability of online books makes you no longer need to buy lots of books. Can be opened using the application at the time you need. To be able to read books online, you can choose a device that you often use, such as a computer or you can use a cellphone.